Sunday, January 25, 2009

Too much snow

The last month has brought too much snow as far as I'm concerned. The snow plows really have no other places left to put snow and the snow mounds are already REALLY tall as shown in these pictures. Jake has loved playing in it which makes one of us!


james and bess said...

gross!!! man, remind me never to move to chicago! you're always welcome to visit us in our warmer climate! :)! -bess

Melanie said...

Yikes! That is a lot of white (gray?) stuff. I can't believe we are moving to where there is snow! I must be crazy!!!

The Brown Bunch said...

Wow! That is a lot of snow! Burrrrr! Can't say I miss it! :) Looks like Jake is having a good time!

Salem said...

We missed you at brunch the other day!! I hope Jake is feeling better...hopefully you can make it basketball next week!!!